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Sunday, April 15, 2012

For Sale!! Homeschool Books

We homeschooled our boys for two years, using the My Father's World curriculum.  Our oldest (almost 13 now) surpassed my ability to effectively teach him in the areas of math and science.  Our youngest (10 now) severely missed the socialization of public school.  He's a very social young man, so it's important for him to be around people all the time.  So, we decided to put them back into public school this year.  They are both doing great so far!  Peyton is in 7th grade and taking Pre-AP Life Science, Pre-AP Literature, and Pre-Algebra.  Kayden is in 4th grade and continues to test well above his age group in most subjects.

Putting them back into public school was a hard decision, but we feel it was the right one for what they needed.  I am still a huge advocate of homeschooling though.  We all thoroughly enjoyed it and I believe that those two years played a significant role in who they are and where they are today.

Now though, I am left with stacks of homeschooling books that could be extremely helpful to other homeschooling families.  It would be a shame to have them sitting here and not being used.  So, I am offering the ones that I can part with for sale.

If you would like to purchase any of these books, please email me at beckymaxwell6@gmail.com.  I am providing the links to each book on the My Father's World site so that you can compare what I'm selling them for to the price you would pay from the company.  Just click on the image and scroll to the correct book on the page, they don't have it set up as separate links for each book.


$3.00 ~ There are a few animal stories missing, but there are still lots left in it.  The one listed on their site has a different cover, but they're pretty much the same.


$10.00 each (I have two of these)

$50.00 ~ Lesson Plans (I'll be sure to erase ours before shipping)













***If you are interested in any of these, email beckymaxwell6@gmail.com
******Prices on each book does not reflect the cost of shipping.  Shipping will be determined by weight of order.

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