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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Major League Baseball is Making Dreams Come True in the Tulsa Area

I am finally getting to sit down and "relax" for the first time today lol.  I subbed 7th grade Geography all day, then went straight to All Stars tryouts with the boys and a girl from my team.  So far, the head coach has said that all three are on the team.  They have a few more tryout days, but so long as some MLB style kids don't show up, they're all in.  Whoohoo!! 

The head coach played college and minor league ball, one assistant played college, the other assistant played majors for the Twins and the Bluejays, and the pitching coach is a retired major league pitcher (can't remember his name).  The boys are both being eye balled for pitching, but more so my oldest.  They are so excited and I am so proud of them!!  All of the coaches want to work with the three as much as possible, because they see real potential for huge growth in them as players and people. 

The league is entirely faith based, which is so awesome!  If they keep their current spots on the team, then we will be in Kansas City in July for All Stars weekend, with the boys going to everything, thanks to MLB sponsorship of the league.  This once in a lifetime opportunity comes completely covered financially (uniforms, the trip, Home Run Derby attendance, All Star game, everything) through the sponsorship.  God bless MLB!!!  They are really making a difference in a lot of kids' lives here in Tulsa.

Now, for what MLB is doing for everyone else outside of the All Star team in the Tulsa area.  MLB has sponsored this local league completely.  None of the children who sign up to play ball have any fees to pay.  Uniforms are covered, ball fields, equipment, vans to transport players to practices and games, a free training facility called World Baseball Outreach, everything.  There are over 500 children registered to play through the league this year.  Along with all of that, nearly all of the coaching staff on the field and at the WBO are college level, minor league, or former major league players and coaches that have settled in Tulsa. 

Not only that, but everything is entirely faith based.  So, these kids aren't just being taught baseball by some of the best, but are being ministered to and prayed with by these servants of God.  I was nearly in tears hearing about it tonight.  This organization and league have blessed mine and my boys' hearts so much already! 

Please, check out the WBO website, so that you too may be blessed by what the Major League Baseball is helping to do in the Tulsa area.  Too many times, we only hear about the bad things that happen in sports.  This truly needs to be shared with others, so that the good may overtake the bad.  I know major media probably won't cover something like this, but we can all be the media of good news and God's blessings!!

You can make donations through the WBO website, if you feel moved to do so.  Everything is non-profit.

**Most recent testimony for this league:  On Monday, the head coach of the All Star team shared with his board members and staff members that the league was in need of a new 15 passenger van.  They all agreed to pray in agreement to find one at a very reasonable price, in very good condition.  The vans are used to transport players to the fields, the WBO, and will be used for the trip to Kansas City in July.  This morning, he received a call from a board member saying that he was to go pick up a new van this afternoon.  One of the board member's dads owns a business that deals with fleet vans and he donated a 2012, 15,000 mile to the league!!!  How awesome is our God???!!!  The coach was beside himself tonight at the abundance of God's blessings, sharing with anyone that would listen.

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