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Thursday, March 22, 2012

TX Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter - Tutorial

Oh my goodness!!  I can't believe that I found this recipe.  It has sent me straight to heaven and back again.  Seriously.  Texas Roadhouse has the BEST cinnamon butter around.  I've wanted to go eat there at times just so I could have their butter.  Don't laugh!!  You know you've done it too.  Now, I can have it at home, made with my own butter, which gives it an edge in my opinion, and I don't have to spend the money on eating out in order to get my fix.  Perfection!!

Let's get started, so that you can get your fix before you cause a flood in your house from your drooling.  In your mixing bowl, add 1/2 cup softened butter (1 stick), 1 tsp. cinnamon, and 1/3 cup confectioners sugar. Using your beater attachment on your mixer (or whatever you have), beat it all together.

This is the consistency I got from using my homemade whipped butter.
This is the consistency that I got when I used a softened stick of store bought butter.

The homemade whipped butter makes for a much smoother and almost saucy cinnamon butter. Very spreadable! The store bought stick makes for a much thicker and clumpier butter. Whichever way you prefer, 'cause they're both delicious!!  

I took some of both to my neighbors, along with their fresh loaf of bread, and the butter was devoured in zero seconds flat.  They turned from humans into vacuums the moment I walked in their door.  It was an odd experience.  But, both the Amish White Bread and this butter are so yummy, I forgave them.  They have since returned to their human forms and the friendship is going strong as ever.

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